House Hacking Seminar References
Life After the Purchase: Property Management and Preventative Maintenance
Thank you if you attended the seminar. Here are links and notes that I referenced in my advice and contact information for the other speakers.
Do it yourself kit
For those living at their property or have time and interest in managing:
1. Join a local or statewide apartment owner’s group that offers classes and forms
You need to be aware of local requirements or forms required in your city.
East Bay Rental Housing Association:
Berkeley Property Owners Association:
California Apartment Association:
Investors forums and education:
2. Establish a relationship with a handyman or contractor.
You want someone who learns your property and your expectations
Request a W9 form, business license, insurance and proof of worker’s comp if there are other employees
3. Have numbers on hand to call in the event of a bigger problem.
a. Heating contractor
b. Plumber (drain clearing / water heaters)
c. Restoration / Drying
d. Electrician
e. Roofing
4. Inspect your apartments and building exterior once a year.
*Smoke detectors expire after 10 years, Co alarms after 6
5. Have a list of big things on your property and when they were installed
It is never fun to have something break on the property that you didn't even know existed and needed to be maintained.
6. All of the speakers at the event are there to help you. Real estate investors rely on many people with expertise in various areas. This is critical to success.